Bowling Mania

To make a unique gym class experience for students, juniors and seniors in Lifetime Fitness are now bowling at St. Charles Bowl.

“This unit has made me feel much more motivated to go to gym class,” High school Senior Leah Phillips said.

About a week before the beginning of the unit, students had to provide a check and a parent’s permission in order to participate.

“They pay three dollars per day which includes shoe rental and as many games they can bowl during the class period,” Gym Teacher Anne Seitelman said.

Participating students get to travel to the bowling alley twice a week, every Monday and Friday.

“After I found out that we would be bowling, I was very excited because we had never done a unit like this before especially one that would let us leave the school,” Phillips said.

Students meet on the bus at the beginning of their gym period and then head to the bowling alley.

“The bus ride goes by surprisingly quick which is great because it leaves us with more time to bowl,” Senior P.E. Leader Emma Fuller said.

Once students arrive to the alley, they can bowl with the group and lane of their choosing.

“It’s nice to have time to get your mind off of school and just bowl with your friends and fellow classmates,” Fuller said.

Students keep track of their score with hopes of improving their skills over the course of the unit.

“Some people in my class are getting scores as high as 180,” Phillips said. “I usually tend to lose but I can tell that I am slowly improving each week.”

While the students bowl, the gym teachers get to walk around and interact with students, helping them improve their form.

“The first few days I talk with each group about procedures and approach,” Seitelman said. “During most days, I walk and talk with each group. Occasionally, if there is an open lane, I might bowl.”

The bowling unit has been well received by students and is seen as a favorite by many.

“This is definitely the best unit of gym that we have ever had, hands down,” Phillips said.

“I am having the most fun in gym that I have ever had, and I will definitely miss it once it’s over,” Fuller said.

After a long year of Covid-19 and pandemic restrictions, students, especially seniors, finally have time to make some final memories ahead of graduation. The bowling unit will hopefully act as a last moment of fun at school before students go their separate ways for college.