Third party candidates: a wasted vote?

When I was watching the debates and conventions for the major party candidates, I found myself not entirely happy with either Democratic nominee, Hillary Clinton or Republican nominee, Donald Trump. I found myself disagreeing with both of them on a number of issues. I started looking for alternatives and other candidates and noticed there is a large population of voters, like myself, seeking another choice.
There is a lot of discussion on the internet and within the media that voters are forced to pick between the “Lesser of Two Evils”. I disagree with this opinion and feel that third party candidates deserve more attention and participation in the election process. For example, The Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD) has a requirement that all third party candidates must poll at a minimum 15% nationally to be invited to the presidential debates. Because of this standard, none of the third parties made the cut. I think 15% is too high and a more reasonable standard, such as 8% should be used. Eight percent may sound like a low standard but it can make the difference on who wins or loses the election. Having third party candidates able to share the podium with the other major party candidates can also possibly influence more people to vote for them and ultimately win the election.
There is history of third party candidates making major impacts on a presidential election. For example, in 1992, Reform Party candidate Ross Perot had almost 20% of the popular vote in the country and many people believe that he spoiled the chance for George H.W. Bush to be re-elected, giving the presidency to Bill Clinton. Much of Ross Perot’s popularity came as a result of his performance in the presidential debates. Without those debates, many people would not have learned about him as an alternative to support.
Here is a rundown of the third party presidential candidates in this election with links to their campaign website. If you are not satisfied with the major party candidates I encourage you to research them and if you like what they represent then vote for them. No vote is wasted as long as you believe in your candidate and what they represent. A wasted vote is voting for someone that you don’t believe in!
Third party candidates:
Gary Johnson: Libertarian Party Nominee with Bill Weld as his running mate. Johnson was the governor of New Mexico from 1995 until 2003. As of right now Johnson is the only third party candidate with ballot access in all 50 states.
Johnson’s Website:
Jill Stein: Green Party Nominee with Ajamu Baraka as her running mate. Stein is a physician, activist, and politician. She is representing Massachusetts as her home state.
Stein’s Website:
Darrell Castle: Constitutional Party Nominee with Scott Bradley as his running mate. Castle is a politician and attorney from Tennessee.
Castle’s Website:
Evan McMullin: Independent Candidate with no party affiliation representing Utah as his home state. McMullin is the former chief policy director for the House Republican Conference in the U.S. House of Representatives and a former CIA operations officer.
McMullin’s Website:
Benjamin Bluemond • Oct 17, 2016 at 3:52 pm
I also think the other third parties such as the Libertarian and Green parties are going to make a great impact in the future!