Freshman survival guide
Freshman survival guide
Entering high school can seem like a scary and daunting experience at first. With a new building, new students to meet, new social norms and much more new changes, it is no surprise that freshmen get the jitterbugs while thinking about high school. However, you do not have to be a nervous wreck upon entering those big doors on your first day. With this freshman survival guide you will learn everything that any orientation or handbook never tells you.
Avoid the Commons stairway/ hallway as much as possible. It is best to memorize alternate stairways to walk in order to get to class. There is a lot of commotion at the Commons stairway as everyone is trying to get to their class/locker, and it is much easier to find less chaotic stairs.
Sleep in on PLC days if possible. That extra hour of sleep is one of the best things of the week, especially after first starting to have to wake up at 6 o’clock instead of 7 o’clock freshman year.
Start working hard on assignments right away. You may think just because you are a freshman that you can slack a little because your freshman grades don’t matter, however that is extremely wrong! Your GPA can be severely affected if you slack off freshman year, so start strong and study for all your tests. Also, if you are struggling it is a good idea to call a tutor or go to the math tutor lab after school.
Do not care what anyone thinks of you! It is such a cliche saying, but honestly it is so true. High school is the time where you can find out who you want to surround yourself with and what you want to make of yourself. No one should care about your image, and if they do they aren’t worth worrying about anyway.
Senior Corner. The area next to the Commons stairs and the ceramics classroom is known as the Senior corner. Even though the benches may look fun to sit on, it is highly advisable to avoid going anywhere near there as a freshman.
Bearded dudes. Unlike middle school, the boys in high school have actually begun to grow facial hair! Do not be too spooked by it, they have feelings like everyone else.
Cafeteria. Usually 4th and 6th hour lunch are the busiest lunch periods and almost every table is full. It may seem hectic to find a table at first, but after the first day of finding a table it is no big deal! Unlike middle school you do not have assigned seats, however the bump in the middle of the cafeteria towards the back is usually reserved for Seniors so again, it is highly advise you look for a table somewhere else before there.
Lunch outside. On a beautiful fall or spring days you are allowed to sit at the tables outside or eat on the grass/ sidewalk. Take advantage of this opportunity because it is a nice way to get some sun and take a break from your routine day while chilling with friends.
Football games. You may have heard this before, but freshman are expected to sit at the top of the bleachers. Do not worry, there are still good views from up there!
Hallways. The hallways work like roads. Stay on the right side of the hallway when walking, otherwise you will be that person. If you take my previous advice and do not care what people think of you, then by all means walk wherever you want! However, it may just be easier or your sake to stay on the right side.
Finals. Some middle schoolers take finals, however high school finals are a lot bigger deal obviously. Study and prepare for them ahead of time and you will have no problem doing well!
Scary big kids. It may seem like all the upperclassmen hate you because you are a freshman, however that is not always the case. Most upperclassmen are too worried about their own problems and the fact that you are a freshman is not that big of a deal to them. If you are lost there is no problem with asking someone! What is the worst that can happen?
Do not be afraid of new situations! Don’t not do something because you are afraid of it. Get out of your comfort zone from early on and try new things and meet new people. You will be thankful in the long run.
Get involved! You hear it a lot but honestly, high school is such a better experience when you are involved. Go to sporting events, not just football games, maybe go to a volleyball or tennis match and cheer on your friends! Join clubs after school; there is one for everyone! Art, music, culinary, language, engineering, DECA, model UN, speech team; the opportunities are endless!
Go to as many school dances as possible. Even if you do not have a date, homecoming and prom are so much fun even if you go with friends. A night of dancing and music is a great way to spend time with friends!
Try new sports or join theater. Even if you have never done a sport, try out anyways just to learn and have a fun time! It is even more fun if you try out with friends. Geneva has a bowling team which is a lot of fun to join with friends, and you do not need much training for it. Theater is an amazing way to meet great groups of people all while working hard to put on great shows and musicals!
You will meet a lot of new people. It is not the end of the world if you and your BFF from middle school start to fall out during high school. People just change and there is no way to get around that. You will still see each other in the hallway and smile with a simple “Hello”, and life will move on. You will find new friends too! High school is just 4 years of getting to know everyone around you.
Join Voyager! Last but not least, join Voyager club your freshman year! Voyager club is a club where we write for the school newspaper called Voyager. It is an awesome way to meet new people and have a great time eating snacks and writing new articles. We are always discussing new and interesting topics going on in GHS and around the world. We meet after school once a week, so not too much of a time commitment either, and we welcome all new members.
Freshman year is a year full of finding where you want to be the next four years and who you want to spend those years with. Even though it seems chaotic and stressful being a freshman, remember to enjoy these years before they’re gone! They go by so fast so do not forget to enjoy them and have fun.