The glass ceiling

The New York Times’ “Upshot” has recently reported that in S&P 1500 companies, an American financial service company that makes up 90% of all U.S. stock value, there are more CEO’s named John than women CEO’s combined.

The surprising statistic sparked outrage in feminists and random internet browsers alike. It has been said that women are far better off today than they have ever been in the history of mankind and are even shattering the restraints that once bound them. However, this statistic brings these claims to a screeching halt and has many reconsidering the disregarded “glass ceiling.

Merriam Webster defines the glass ceiling as “an unfair system or set of attitudes that prevents some people (such as women or people of a certain race) from getting the most powerful jobs.”

Our initial question to this statistic was, “What will this tell young girls in high school or college?”

As one might imagine, the statistic can come off as a little intimidating. Not only are women outnumbered in chief executive jobs, they are outnumbered by men of a single name.

How are young women expected to strive for their highest potential if they are being told they will likely never get there because of a factor they are unable to control?

The gender, just as the race, background, disability, or previous mistakes of a person should not be indicative of their worth or abilities. I agree that by limiting women from high corporate positions, politics, certain sports, etc., it sends a strong message that women will only ever be suited for lower positions or motherhood.

While lower positions are respected regardless and no job is as important as that of a mother, who is to tell young women that is all they will ever amount to?

If a woman has a novel invention she wants to sell, wishes to create her own business, wants to move up in her company, simply wants to become independent, or needs to support and be a role model for her children, she should have every right to prove her worth without a barricade of glass that prevents her from reaching her full potential.
I feel that schools should empower young women and give them the tools needed to reach their full potential while jobs, whether it be a corporate firm, retail, or the federal government, should base who they hire on the level of skill and capability rather than the gender.